Achilles Suite of Structural Healthcare Systems
Designing solutions to fit the problem also dovetails with proven monitoring technology to assess the performance of systems into the future from day 1 or retrofitted into existing structures.
These embeddable probes and sensors allow the characterisation of corrosion condition alongside concrete integrity sensing, these are:
- CP20 and CP10P embeddable silver/ silver chloride/ potassium chloride electrodes for monitoring fIcorrosion potential
- CP101, CP200 and CP300 embeddable corrosion rate probes providing key data for service life tracking fiof structures
- CP70 embeddable 4-pin resistivity probe
- CP80 embeddable multi-level chloride ion depth sensor
Taking data is the start of the process and at C-Probe we have provided online management of site performance with our open network systems, Achilles Suite of Structural Healthcare Systems where corrosion management can sit comfortably alongside the choice from 45,000 additional, compatible control and monitoring nodes to add functionality and essential operating data to any plant, infrastructure or building; making the Internet of Things accessible and simple to incorporate.
Our inhouse corrosion and structural management networks include:
- AchillesEDC – early detection of corrosion
- AchillesIES – inhibitor evaluation system
- AchillesGCP – galvanic anode CP evaluation system
- AchillesICP – impressed current CP power, control and monitoring
- AchillesSID – structural impact detection