Zone: Heritage

C-Probe has provided impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) management system to protect structural steel frames within transitional era landmark and listed buildings since 1998.

Almost two decades later and these buildings remain protected with our reports used to provide ongoing comfort to the Owner but, also, more importantly, as key due diligence documents for the purchase or sale of these valuable assets.

Our awards speak volumes to the respect given by industry to our approach to restoration where cost-effective use of embedded anode and monitoring materials controlled remotely provides the platform for performance management of these properties.

Over this time we have fine-tuned our approach through product development to continuously improve the aesthetic application of the embedded materials.

With the C-Probe low carbon +point ® anode system we have excelled by dovetailing installation of the ICCP with the routine bed joint replacement to ensure moisture ingress is controlled and the steel protected by the same operation.

So now the Owner can not only avoid expensive removal and replacement of stone and brick façades we can also keep the cost controlled with the electrochemical solution to the corrosion problem whilst being mindful of the production and aesthetic of the final project.


Case Studies &

<!–BIM Nests–>

Hitech Heritage Paper

2016 Capability Statement

37 Fleet Street



Arkwright House



922 Walnut, Kansas City



Get in touch with any questions, queries or potential projects.